Friday 23 December 2011


Nation AIDS Control Council (NACC) is inviting interested Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) etc to submit proposals for Round 5 Total War Against HIV and AIDS (TOWA) Project.

The NACC funding will be based at the: the Constituency level, District level and National level on different priority areas

Interested groups are advised to visit NACC website - for Proposal Forms and Guidelines.

For finer details on the media advert for the same, get a copy of the Daily Nation of Friday 23rd December 2011. The deadline for the submission of proposals is January 23rd 2012. Proposals received after the deadline will be rejected.


Wednesday 7 December 2011


The following stakeholders were the key people towards the success of WAD 2011 through their contributions by kind and cash. On the same note acknowledgement to various stakeholders who contributed as follows:
·         ACK-WRCCS designed a banner carrying the theme of the day 
  • MOYAS brought two balls and two trophies for the winners.
  • Ministries of GC&SD, Water, Finance and Planning provided fuel to be used for the event.  
  • KEWACTA facilitated the players and referees presents through their cash donation of 3000/=. They also gave their donation of five peanut butter packets which the organization process locally to as presents PLHIV
  • ADT provided vehicle to assist in other logistics in the event and also gave their cash donation of five hundred shillings.
·         AMPATH carried out VCT at the World Aids Day venue – thus contributing VCT services whereas WRCCS sponsored the five counselors by providing 5000/= as  lunches for the counselors.
·         NACC donated 3 cartons of milk, 4 dozens of water and one box of biscuit.
  • MOH hired tents and PA system for the day.
  • CDF donated five crates of soda
  • Mwangaza CBO and other two youth groups from Kemodo contributed a total of sh. 2,000 which assisted in hiring of 150 plastic chairs and hiring of rooms used for VCT services.
  • Our esteemed CBOs, FBOs, Youth Groups, Women Groups and other Institutions presented songs, drama, poems, etc including their physical attendance.

Wednesday 30 November 2011


We wish to inform the applicants and their partners
who submitted their Concept Note Applications
for the CDI 2011 Call for Proposals (CfP) that, 
the opening and administrative check on the Concept Note 
Application forms has been completed and the forms 
are now undergoing assessment and verification of eligibility. 
The results so far are as follows:
Total No. of applications received 9,919
Total No of Applications that met the CfP closure deadline 9,580
Total No. of Applications that did not meet the CfP closure deadline 339
Communication has already been sent to all 2,492 applicants whose
applications were not accepted after admin check. 
We request the rest of the public to wait for further information 
which shall be communicated once the current processing is complete by
November 2011.

Tuesday 15 November 2011


1.1.1        Granites and sand harvesting
The availability of granite rocks comprises the landscape at Amukura and Chelelemuk hills. These have the potential for building stones, and ballast. Currently they are being exploited on a small scale by the locals to raise their incomes. Sand harvesting is also carried out along rivers in the constituency though at a small scale.

1.1.2        Rice Milling and Packaging
Rice production in the constituency is practiced as a food and cash crop as well.  Varieties doing well in the constituency include NERICAS 4, 5, 10 & 11, .Pakistan, Local, IR, Dorado, China, Pishori and Kaeso local variety from Uganda. A reliable rainfall and availability of swampy areas in the southern part of the constituency favors the crop. Currently the crop is produced at a small scale level but area under coverage and number of farmers engaged in the farming is increasing. Stop the exports of cheap unprocessed rice to Uganda. *Construction and Installation of Milling Machines
Kshs. 60 Million

1.1.3        Palm oil- Extraction
Oil –Palm is an emerging cash crop enterprise in our Constituency. It was first introduced at Kari –Alupe in Teso South in 1993 on trial basis for the purpose of selecting the most suitable varieties for our Agro- climatic Zone.
The enterprise has a very high future as a cash crop under oil crops in our Constituency and in Busia County.
1.1.4        Garbage and clearing services
Garbage and clearing services in Malaba town are not adequately provided. This is due to poor drainage and sewer systems occasioned by poor urban planning. The raising urban population in the town has worsened the situation leading to poor wastage disposal. As a result cases of disease outbreaks related to poor hygiene are frequently reported.

1.1.5        Hotel, accommodation and catering services
With the advent of the devolved government, activities and functions that demand for facilities such as, conference halls, hotels, residential houses and recreational services are bound to increase. Currently, the existing facilities do not meet the demand and most of the events that require such services are referred to neighboring constituencies.

1.1.6        Flour Milling and Packaging
Diverse cereals crops such as Maize, cassava, millet, and sorghum grown in Teso by farmers across the Constituency. To increase market access and demand for the cereals, establishment of the value addition chain platforms should be employed. There is enough production of the crops across to be contituency. 


Teso South District is one of the 31st Districts which make Western Province. The neighboring Districts include Bumula on the East, Teso North on the North, Nambale on the East South, Busia on the South and the Republic of Uganda on the Western border it. The district occupies an area of 290.8 square kilometers of arable land – which by the 2009 population census hosted a total of 137,924 persons.

Given that the estimated annual growth rate is 2.8%, it is projected that the district’s population has risen to 145,870 persons during the year 2011.Since 2008 when Teso South was established as a district- having been carved from the former greater Teso District, the district has continued to exercise, entrench, and fast track its core function- to hasten development while at the same time bringing services closer to the people.           

The Busia border post falls in Busia Municipality which also covers Southern part of Teso. As a result, there are additional challenges occasioned by the exposure to the socio-economic dynamics that come with truck movements and stoppage.