Wednesday 7 December 2011


The following stakeholders were the key people towards the success of WAD 2011 through their contributions by kind and cash. On the same note acknowledgement to various stakeholders who contributed as follows:
·         ACK-WRCCS designed a banner carrying the theme of the day 
  • MOYAS brought two balls and two trophies for the winners.
  • Ministries of GC&SD, Water, Finance and Planning provided fuel to be used for the event.  
  • KEWACTA facilitated the players and referees presents through their cash donation of 3000/=. They also gave their donation of five peanut butter packets which the organization process locally to as presents PLHIV
  • ADT provided vehicle to assist in other logistics in the event and also gave their cash donation of five hundred shillings.
·         AMPATH carried out VCT at the World Aids Day venue – thus contributing VCT services whereas WRCCS sponsored the five counselors by providing 5000/= as  lunches for the counselors.
·         NACC donated 3 cartons of milk, 4 dozens of water and one box of biscuit.
  • MOH hired tents and PA system for the day.
  • CDF donated five crates of soda
  • Mwangaza CBO and other two youth groups from Kemodo contributed a total of sh. 2,000 which assisted in hiring of 150 plastic chairs and hiring of rooms used for VCT services.
  • Our esteemed CBOs, FBOs, Youth Groups, Women Groups and other Institutions presented songs, drama, poems, etc including their physical attendance.

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